Str 13 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 10
Wis 17 (+2 on magic based saving throws)
Con 15
Dex 13 (+1 to hit with missiles, +1 initiative)
Cha 10
Hit Points - 9
Armor Class - 4
Saving Throws - Death: 12, Wands: 13, Paralysis: 14, Dragon: 15, Spells: 16
Languages - Common, Alignment
Gold Pieces - 2 (started with 90)
Armor - Chain Mail Armor
Weapons - Long Sword, Short Bow (20 arrows)
Gear - Backpack, Torches (6), Wine (1 qt), Iron Spikes (12)
Str 13 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 12
Wis 12
Con 13
Dex 12
Cha 9
Hit Points - 7
Armor Class - 3
Saving Throws - Death: 12, Wands: 13, Paralysis: 13, Dragon: 15, Spells: 15
Languages - Elvish, Common, Alignment, Orcish, Hobgoblin, Gnoll
Gold Pieces - 3 (started with 120)
Armor - Plate Mail Armor
Weapons - War Hammer
Gear - Spell Book, Backpack, Torches (6), Wine Skin, Silver Dagger, Iron Rations (1 week)
Spells - Charm Person
Str 16 (+2 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 9
Wis 10
Con 9
Dex 15 (+1 to hit with missiles, +1 initiative)
Cha 14 (+1 reaction adjustment)
Hit Points - 8
Armor Class - 5
Saving Throws - Death: 12, Wands: 13, Paralysis: 14, Dragon: 15, Spells: 16
Languages - Common, Alignment
Gold Pieces - 2 (started with 90)
Armor - Leather Armor plus Shield
Weapons - Two Handed Sword
Gear - Small Sack 1, Wolfsbane (1 bunch), Silver Dagger, Iron Spikes (12), Wooden Pole (10ft)
Str 12
Int 11
Wis 14 (+1 on magic based saving throws)
Con 17
Dex 7 (-1 to hit with missiles -1 initiative)
Cha 11
Hit Points - 10
Armor Class - 5
Saving Throws - Death: 10, Wands: 11, Paralysis: 12, Dragon: 13, Spells: 14
Languages - Dwarvish, Common, Alignment, Gnomish, Kobold, Goblin
Gold Pieces - 1 (started with 80)
Armor - Chain Mail Armor plus Shield
Weapons - Club, Hand Axe
Gear - Backpack, Wooden Pole (10ft), Steel Hand Mirror, Lantern, Iron Spikes (12)
Str 14 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 11
Wis 15 (+1 on magic based saving throws)
Con 11
Dex 10
Cha 11
Hit Points - 6
Armor Class - 5
Saving Throws - Death: 11, Wands: 12, Paralysis: 14, Dragon: 16, Spells: 15
Languages - Common, Alignment
Gold Pieces - 4 (started with 140)
Armor - Chain Mail Armor
Weapons - Mace
Gear - Holy Symbol, Backpack, Steel Hand Mirror, Iron Rations (1 week), Wine Skin, Wolfsbane (1 bunch), Silver Dagger
Magic User
Str 11
Int 15
Wis 8 (-1 on magic based saving throws)
Con 9
Dex 12
Cha 14 (+1 reaction adjustment)
Hit Points - 4
Armor Class - 10
Saving Throws - Death: 13, Wands: 14, Paralysis: 13, Dragon: 16, Spells: 15
Languages - Common, Alignment, Ogre
Gold Pieces - 24 (started with 70)
Armor - None
Weapons - Daggers (1)
Gear - Spell Book, Small Sack 3, Lantern, Silver Dagger
Spells - Light
Str 13 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 16
Wis 15 (+1 on magic based saving throws)
Con 12
Dex 16 (+2 to hit with missiles, +1 initiative)
Cha 14 (+1 reaction adjustment)
Hit Points - 4
Armor Class - 8
Saving Throws - Death: 13, Wands: 14, Paralysis: 13, Dragon: 16, Spells: 15
Languages - Common, Alignment, Dwarvish, Doppleganger
Open Locks - 15%, Find/Remove Traps = 10%, Pick Pockets - 20%, Move Silently - 20%, Climb - 87%, Hide in Shadows - 10%, Hear Noise - 1-2
Gold Pieces - 50 (started with 70)
Armor - None
Weapons - War Hammer
Gear - Small Sack 3, Rope (50ft), Wolfsbane (1 bunch), Wine (1 qt)
Magic User
Str 11
Int 15
Wis 14 (+1 on magic based saving throws)
Con 7
Dex 15 (+1 to hit with missiles, +1 initiative)
Cha 10
Hit Points - 3
Armor Class - 9
Saving Throws - Death: 13, Wands: 14, Paralysis: 13, Dragon: 16, Spells: 15
Languages - Common, Alignment, Halfling
Gold Pieces - 44 (started with 80)
Armor - None
Weapons - None
Gear - Spell Book, Backpack, Silver Dagger, Wooden Pole (10ft)
Spells - Floating Disc
Str 13 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 15
Wis 18 (+3 on magic based saving throws)
Con 13
Dex 14 (+1 to hit with missiles, +1 initiative)
Cha 9
Hit Points - 7
Armor Class - 1
Saving Throws - Death: 11, Wands: 12, Paralysis: 14, Dragon: 16, Spells: 15
Languages - Common, Alignment, Dwarvish
Gold Pieces - 4 (started with 90)
Armor - Plate Mail Armor plus Shield
Weapons - Mace
Gear - Large Sack, Standard Rations (1 week), Torches (6), Wine Skin, Wooden Pole (10ft), Rope (50ft)
Str 15 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 13
Wis 14 (+1 on magic based saving throws)
Con 12
Dex 6 (-1 to hit with missiles -1 initiative)
Cha 11
Hit Points - 8
Armor Class - 10
Saving Throws - Death: 10, Wands: 11, Paralysis: 12, Dragon: 13, Spells: 14
Languages - Dwarvish, Common, Alignment, Gnomish, Kobold, Goblin, Elvish
Gold Pieces - 89 (started with 130)
Armor - None plus Shield
Weapons - Long Sword
Gear - Small Sack 2, Wine (1 qt), Steel Hand Mirror, Wolfsbane (1 bunch), Wooden Pole (10ft), Iron Spikes (12), Rope (50ft)
Str 18 (+3 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 13
Wis 11
Con 4
Dex 9
Cha 13 (+1 reaction adjustment)
Hit Points - 6
Armor Class - 6
Saving Throws - Death: 12, Wands: 13, Paralysis: 14, Dragon: 15, Spells: 16
Languages - Common, Alignment, Halfling
Gold Pieces - 34 (started with 140)
Armor - Leather Armor plus Shield
Weapons - Battle Axe
Gear - Small Sack 3, Wooden Pole (10ft), Silver Dagger, Holy Water (vial), Wolfsbane (1 bunch)
Str 13 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 9
Wis 10
Con 7
Dex 11
Cha 9
Hit Points - 7
Armor Class - 6
Saving Throws - Death: 12, Wands: 13, Paralysis: 14, Dragon: 15, Spells: 16
Languages - Common, Alignment
Gold Pieces - 6 (started with 60)
Armor - Leather Armor plus Shield
Weapons - Short Sword, Dagger
Gear - Backpack, Tinder Box, Standard Rations (1 week), Wooden Pole (10ft)
Str 15 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 13
Wis 16 (+2 on magic based saving throws)
Con 9
Dex 16 (+2 to hit with missiles, +1 initiative)
Cha 9
Hit Points - 6
Armor Class - 5
Saving Throws - Death: 12, Wands: 13, Paralysis: 13, Dragon: 15, Spells: 15
Languages - Elvish, Common, Alignment, Orcish, Hobgoblin, Gnoll, Halfling
Gold Pieces - 6 (started with 90)
Armor - Leather Armor
Weapons - Two Handed Sword, Crossbow (10 bolts)
Gear - Spell Book, Small Sack 3, Iron Spikes (12), Standard Rations (1 week)
Spells - Floating Disc
Magic User
Str 16 (+2 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 14
Wis 16 (+2 on magic based saving throws)
Con 4
Dex 13 (+1 to hit with missiles, +1 initiative)
Cha 8 (-1 reaction adjustment)
Hit Points - 2
Armor Class - 9
Saving Throws - Death: 13, Wands: 14, Paralysis: 13, Dragon: 16, Spells: 15
Languages - Common, Alignment, Dwarvish
Gold Pieces - 76 (started with 100)
Armor - None
Weapons - Daggers (1)
Gear - Spell Book, Large Sack, Wine (1 qt), Rope (50ft), Iron Spikes (12), Wine Skin, Iron Rations (1 week)
Spells - Hold Portal
Str 13 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 9
Wis 11
Con 14
Dex 12
Cha 12
Hit Points - 7
Armor Class - 10
Saving Throws - Death: 10, Wands: 11, Paralysis: 12, Dragon: 13, Spells: 14
Languages - Halfling, Common, Alignment
Gold Pieces - 11 (started with 90)
Armor - None
Weapons - Spear, Short Bow (20 arrows)
Gear - Backpack, Holy Water (vial), Torches (6), Iron Rations (1 week)
Str 4 (-2 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 6
Wis 11
Con 11
Dex 11
Cha 6 (-1 reaction adjustment)
Hit Points - 4
Armor Class - 10
Saving Throws - Death: 13, Wands: 14, Paralysis: 13, Dragon: 16, Spells: 15
Languages - Common, Alignment
Open Locks - 15%, Find/Remove Traps = 10%, Pick Pockets - 20%, Move Silently - 20%, Climb - 87%, Hide in Shadows - 10%, Hear Noise - 1-2
Gold Pieces - 63 (started with 140)
Armor - None
Weapons - Long Sword, Crossbow (10 bolts)
Gear - Large Sack, Tinder Box, Standard Rations (1 week), Wine (1 qt), Rope (50ft), Iron Rations (1 week)
Str 12
Int 8
Wis 14 (+1 on magic based saving throws)
Con 15
Dex 15 (+1 to hit with missiles, +1 initiative)
Cha 16 (+1 reaction adjustment)
Hit Points - 9
Armor Class - 4
Saving Throws - Death: 12, Wands: 13, Paralysis: 14, Dragon: 15, Spells: 16
Languages - Common, Alignment
Gold Pieces - 44 (started with 150)
Armor - Chain Mail Armor
Weapons - Long Sword, Dagger
Gear - Backpack, Wine Skin, Standard Rations (1 week), Lantern, Silver Dagger, Iron Spikes (12), Torches (6)
Magic User
Str 14 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
Int 17
Wis 13 (+1 on magic based saving throws)
Con 9
Dex 6 (-1 to hit with missiles -1 initiative)
Cha 7 (-1 reaction adjustment)
Hit Points - 4
Armor Class - 10
Saving Throws - Death: 13, Wands: 14, Paralysis: 13, Dragon: 16, Spells: 15
Languages - Common, Alignment, Elvish, Ogre
Gold Pieces - 54 (started with 90)
Armor - None
Weapons - Daggers (1)
Gear - Spell Book, Large Sack, Standard Rations (1 week), Iron Spikes (12), Iron Rations (1 week), Lantern
Spells - Sleep
Str 10
Int 9
Wis 14 (+1 on magic based saving throws)
Con 15
Dex 15 (+1 to hit with missiles, +1 initiative)
Cha 6 (-1 reaction adjustment)
Hit Points - 9
Armor Class - 4
Saving Throws - Death: 10, Wands: 11, Paralysis: 12, Dragon: 13, Spells: 14
Languages - Dwarvish, Common, Alignment, Gnomish, Kobold, Goblin
Gold Pieces - 51 (started with 110)
Armor - Chain Mail Armor
Weapons - Battle Axe, Hand Axe
Gear - Backpack, Torches (6), Wooden Pole (10ft), Wine (1 qt)
Magic User
Str 10
Int 14
Wis 13 (+1 on magic based saving throws)
Con 12
Dex 16 (+2 to hit with missiles, +1 initiative)
Cha 15 (+1 reaction adjustment)
Hit Points - 4
Armor Class - 8
Saving Throws - Death: 13, Wands: 14, Paralysis: 13, Dragon: 16, Spells: 15
Languages - Common, Alignment, Dwarvish
Gold Pieces - 68 (started with 120)
Armor - None
Weapons - Daggers (1)
Gear - Spell Book, Large Sack, Iron Rations (1 week), Iron Spikes (12), Standard Rations (1 week), Holy Water (vial), Wooden Pole (10ft)
Spells - Sleep